January 21, 2013

IDL 在地圖上畫風向量 - Wind vector overploting on the map

在7.0 版IDL之前要畫風向量,一般會使用以下幾個 functions:

VEL - Draws a velocity (flow) field with streamlines.
VELOVECT - Draws a 2D velocity field plot.
PLOT_FIELD - Plots a 2D field using arrows.
ARROW - Draws one or more vectors with arrow heads.

或者,你也可以用The IDL Astronomy User's Library (NASA)  的 partvelvec.pro

可是他們都不能讓你同時把風向量化在地圖上。如果你要用 ivector 那也要7.0 以後才能用。

Here is a "quick solution" from somebody whom we have to appreciate:

Notice that you might need to modify the reference vector size for your purposes.

The figure below represents the composition of 500mb wind speed contour and directions in 1956. The data source is NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data (NNR) provided by the Physical Science Division, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory.



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